Earth Shaping
The house in it's early stages
Plants packed out, ready for planting
Fynbos plant delivery
Wetland bridge sketch
Wetland bridge
Flared boardwalk landing on the gravel
Boardwalks through the fynbos
Boulle court
The house viewed from the boardwalk in the mature fynbos
Kitchen garden reflecting pond sketch
The reflecting pond
Kitchen garden
Pergola sketch
Pergola sketch
Balau pergola with stainless steel cable bracing
Pergola part plan

Earth Shaping

The house in it's early stages

Plants packed out, ready for planting

Fynbos plant delivery

Wetland bridge sketch

Wetland bridge

Flared boardwalk landing on the gravel

Boardwalks through the fynbos

Boulle court

The house viewed from the boardwalk in the mature fynbos


Kitchen garden reflecting pond sketch

The reflecting pond

Kitchen garden

Pergola sketch


Pergola sketch

Balau pergola with stainless steel cable bracing

Pergola part plan



This garden was designed by Bruce Beyer and Fiona Powrie of Dragonplants and installed by Co-creators. The Garden was built in 2005 and is now 8 years old. Features include a curved Balau pergola braced with Stainless Steel cables built by Hamish Shand, a Boule court, a kitchen garden with a circular reflecting pond and a rugbyfield’s worth of Fynbos. Stone walling by Nick Hann of Wild Cape.