Woodstock Peace Garden – the jungle in an urban jungle
Community urban farm, school playground and landscaper’s yard
The Woodstock Peace Garden is different things to different people. This ubuntu project is aimed at making land accessible to all who care and to create awareness for autism and our environment. Co-Creators store their landscaping tools, plants, soils and rocks here. Autistic school children use the labyrinth, play and explore the natural environment here. And it provides a space where the Woodstock community can grow food gardens; a venue where they can engage fully in community spirit and social responsibility. The Garden is open early mornings and late afternoons; Woodstock residents can have a key cut and use this facility to walk their dogs, play with their children, enjoy food gardening, do research, exercise or relax with a picnic.

History of the Woodstock Peace Garden
In 2008, Bruce Beyer approached Nerina Kearns, principal of the Alpha School for Autism to see if, together, Co-Creators and the school could make use of an unused field. They created the Woodstock Peace Garden, a ‘field of opportunity’ which has become a lush community urban farm as well as an autism awareness park.
Who runs it?
Managed by Co-Creators, the Woodstock Peace Garden is a partnership between Co-Creators Landscaping, the Alpha School for autism and the Woodstock community.
What do we offer?
These are some of the free services Co-Creators is able to offer the community as a way of giving back:
- community food gardens
- green refuse recycling
- a labyrinth
- a playground
- a space for artistic expression
- a social gathering space.
Barney Barnard is available on Saturdays to give tours between 9 and 11 a.m.
Food gardens, aquaponics, chipping and composting
Many people are becoming aware of the critical need to save water and for food security and our landscaping clients are taking more interest in food gardens and natural pools. For this reason we are exploring and demonstrating aquaponics at the Woodstock Peace Garden. We process branches for chipping and kitchen waste for composting using bokashi, earth worms and black soldier fly.
Educational working models
We have working models of worm farms, bokashi, aquaponics, composting, recycling, re-use, food plants, food forests, urban agriculture, waterless composting toilets, vertical gardens, urban regeneration, a nursery, water management, and permaculture. We welcome volunteers to help with upkeep. We also require funding for much-needed resources and in order to create employment opportunities for autistic students.
Green the urban jungle and be an urban hero!
Find out more about Woodstock as a creative hub, click here.